
I could have held you all night long,
I could have laid next to you forever,
But then I know tomorrow soon would come,
And still we can't be together.

I listened to what my head was saying,
and followed my heart through,
And instead of holding back,
I started falling in love with you.

We had so much fun together,
the memories we made are so great,
all those nights laughing and smiling,
saying, it's never to late.

As the sun sets in the horisont,
I know this too will pass,
for feelings are like the seasons changing,
and one season never lasts.

So, I know, I must stop now,
because tomorrow soon will come,
as I walk away and never look back,
when our warm feelings become numb.
Nu är det den där tiden på året igen, när jag funderar.
Önskar på ett sätt att jag hade gjort annorlunda, men känner att jag kommer bli tokig om jag inte slutar älta saker. Jag måste inse att jag inte kan förändra det förflutna, men jag kan inte sluta undra..
Tänk om..

4 December
14 Januari
16 Februari
4 Mars
4 April
8 April
Det är datum jag aldrig kommer att glömma, tyvärr..
All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,

and for us to be together, to never be apart.

No one in this world can even compare,

You're perfect and so was that love that we shared.

We had so much more than I ever thought we would,

I love you so much, more than I ever thought I could.

I'd promise to give you all I have to give,

I'd do anything for you as long as I live.

In your eyes I see our present, our future and our past,

by the way you looked at me I felt as if we would last.

I hope that someday you'll come to realize,

how perfect we are when seen through my eyes.
Dags att sova innan jag grubblar ihjäl mig..

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